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Boosters & Specialized devices

20A/40A/100A Current Booster

Single-channel potentiostat (CS350M/ CS310M/ CS300M etc) can achieve maximum±2A/10V output when it's used alone. A current booster CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B can be connected to single-, bi-, or multi-channel potentiostat to increase the current up to 20A/40A/100A.

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Corrtest Instruments
Jinfeng Building A, Intl Enterprise Center, Optics valley Ave.,East lake High-tech Dev. Zone, Wuhan city, 430074, China
Email: sales2@corrtest.com.cn
Phone/WhatsApp: +86 13469965984
Product Introduction

Single-channel potentiostat (CS350M/ CS310M/ CS300M etc) can achieve maximum±2A/10V output when it’s used alone. This value is ±1A/10V for each channel of bipotentiostat (CS2350M/CS2150M) and multichannel potentiostat (CS310X).
A current booster CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B can be connected to single-, bi-, or multi-channel potentiostat to increase the current up to 20A/40A/100A. Please note that one set booster can boost only one channel of bi- / multi-channel potentiostat.
When not connected the booster, the potentiostat can also be used alone. Please be careful when you operate to avoid electricity shock.



CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B current booster +single channel potentiostat (such as CS350M)



CS2020B current booster +multi-channel potentiostat(framed in red)


Curve for galvanostatic experiment- output constant current as high as 20A for CS2020B



Connection of booster  with battery core anode and cathode


Fig. 3: EIS results of CATL-LAE895 battery core


Experiments examples for potentiostat+40A booster

 1. EIS Test of large capacity power batteries







2. PEM water splitting







 Standard supply for CS2020B/CS2040B/CS2100B booster:

- Current booster instrument*1 set

- Power cable *1 pcs

- DB9 serial port connection cable *2 pcs (1 for replacement in the future)

- DB15 connection cable*2 pcs (1 for replacement)

- Potential sampling cable*2 pcs (1 for replacement)

- Specialized electrode cable (alligator electrode cable*2 and copper terminal electrode cable*2, 1 pcs each for replacement)

- High power dummy cell *1


Key specifications (when combination of CS2020B+potentiostat)

Potential range: ±10V(CS2020B) / ±5V(CS2040B) / ±5V(CS2100B)

Current range: ±20A(CS2020B) / 40A(CS2040B) / 100A(CS2100B)

Current range: 20A/40A/100A fixed range

Compliance voltage: ±13V (when output±20A limit current, maximum output ±10V@20A)

EIS Frequency range:  ≤50KHz

Communication: RS485

Techniques (when combination of CS2020B+CS350M)
Stable polarization
  • Open Circuit Potential (OCP)

  • Potentiostatic (I-T curve)

  • Galvanostatic

  • Potentiodynamic (Tafel plot)

  • Galvanodynamic (DGP)

Transient Polarization
  • Multi Potential Steps

  • Multi Current Steps

  • Potential Stair-Step (VSTEP)

  • Galvanic Stair-Step (ISTEP)

Chrono Method
  • Chronopotentiometry (CP)

  • Chronoamperametry (CA)

  • Chronocaulometry (CC)

  • Linear Sweep Voltammetry (LSV)

  • Cyclic Voltammetry (CV)

Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS)
  • EIS vs Frequency (IMP)

  • Galvanostatic EIS

  • EIS vs Potential (IMPE)(Mott-Schottky)

  • EIS vs Time (IMPT)

  • Galvanostatic EIS vs Time

Battery test
  • Battery Charge and Discharge

  • Galvanostatic Charge and Discharge (GCD)

  • Potentiostatic Charging and Discharging(PCD)

  • Potentiostatic Intermittent Titration Technique(PITT)

  • Galvanostatic Intermittent Titration Technique(GITT)

Corrosion Measurements
  • Cyclic polarization curve (CPP)

  • Linear polarization curve (LPR)

  • Electrochemical Potentiokinetic Reactivation (EPR)

  • Electrochemical Noise (EN)

  • Zero resistance Ammeter (ZRA)

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